I often like to see what services I can get through a drive thru. I personally think Walgreens is underusing their drive thru,(I DID ask them to get me some infant tylenol while I was picking up another prescription, why not have milk and eggs at the ready as well?) but that is another proposal I need to write.
This has become more of a goal as I travel with my young son, and begrudgingly drag the now 20 lb. car seat into the dry cleaners for the 2 minutes it takes for pick up. (and will later be actually taking him out of the seat and then strapping him back in, all for a 2 minute errand)
At any rate, I made some homemade italian beef the other night, and remembered I needed some french rolls. I questioned: can I get a loaf of bread through the Portillo's drive thru, rather than running into the grocery store for one item? It was worth a shot.
Well, the heavens opened! Not only was I able to get the bread, but they sliced it for me, and get this, it was HOT and FRESH. I couldn't resist eating a piece on the way home! For me, that was highlight of my week. Too much? Let me know what you can get out of a drive thru that I didn't think of!