My son is ten months old and we are still nursing. He's not a fan of chocolate, so I sneak pieces on occasion, but I missed all of Peppermint Mocha season, and I could really use a piece of cake from Portillo's. I also fantasize about the chocolate bar at the Peninsula hotel (I think) even though I've never been, and now I saw a picture of a chocolate laden waffle in this past Sunday's paper. Description: "Belgian Zucker Waffle, which features liquid dark chocolate, Dutch whipped cream, and Chocolade Hagel dark chocolate sprinkles" I normally wouldn't care, but my mouth was watering so much I couldn't stand it. Oh, did I mention he also doesn't like eggs? Never has, even during pregnancy. So, I never really thought much about eggs. Now, it's all I can do, not to want to make a quiche or frittata for dinner. When our nursing relationship ends, (I really am so thankful!) the first recipe on my list is a chocolate creme bruleƩ, eggs and all, probably with some chocolate on the side, a big mocha, and maybe a giant Coke to boot.