I am simply amazed at what women accomplish. I struggle to get healthy meals on the table, have a clean house, a happy child and husband, and to also do things for me, whether it's work or play. How do you all DO it?!
I'm going to be asking you to share info with me in the next several months, and I need to start with a focus, so it's going to be on food. (since I'm not an accomplished housekeeper-yet) But feel free to share any housekeeping secrets you've come up with-I NEED THEM.
PLEASE share your slow cooker recipes and any tips! I've been a little disappointed with a couple of the chicken recipes I've tried, as it came out a little dry. But I did really like the Beef Barley Soup I made last week. (and busted out the breadmaker for some breadsticks)
I'll post the recipe this week-it makes 3 batches that you can throw in the freezer, and then slow cook from frozen.
I did some searches for menu planning software and templates, and it all seems to be for personal chefs. (I'm not ruling it out!) I did find a cleaning chart by Real Simple, and have TRIED to designate certain things to certain days. (like "sheets day" and "mopping floor day". "Laundry day" still eludes me) Any other products, books, tools you've created for yourself?
I just got back from the library, as I got sidetracked from the mealplanning project when I started solids with Will, and started focusing on nutrition and transitioning from milk, to babyfood, to tablefood, to family meals. Let me know what assistance your pediatrician offered or offers, because I found a big gaping hole there.
Note: I've really enjoyed the book "Cooking for baby", if you are looking for a babyfood book to start with!
Gina, I struggle everyday with keeping up with the cleaning and the cooking. Let's start with the cleaning. Clorox wipes are a mom's BF. I actually use the Kirkland brand. Makes it look like you really cleaned your bathroom in 3 minutes! Also, I couldn't live without my Swiffer and Dustbuster. Take any tool from me but don't touch my Dustbuster! I have a whole new definition of clean. I just can't keep up and have come to grips with it. I used to have a cleaning service but I couldn't afford it anymore. As soon as possible though, I'd like to get them back. I used to think it was a luxury but now with three kids, one on the way and a husband who works a lot...it's a necessity! Now let's get to the cooking. Also, a challenge. I have found that I can only cook during nap time. (not mine of course) I have my go to meal that makes everyone happy. Spag. and meatballs. The best part about meatballs is the older kids love to help make them and it's a nutritous meal. I use Tyler Florences recipe because I have a secret crush on him. Next, I like Katie Lee Joel's meatloaf recipe. We've renamed it Rock Star meatloaf. Everyone loves it. You can also sneak extra vegetables in it if you want. Again, the kids love to help get in their and mix it. Okay, gotta run, kids are fighting over the lightsaber and baby's standing on the coffee table...later! Krissy
ReplyDeletejust want to say you two are CUTE!